

Developing commercial arbitration in China


The development situation of China's arbitration industry
According to the 2021 International Arbitration Survey Report released by Queen Mary University of England, both Beijing and Shanghai have become one of the top ten most popular arbitration places in the world, and the international influence of China's arbitration has significantly increased.
Data from the Ministry of Justice showed that by the end of 2021, 274 arbitration institutions had been established nationwide throughout China, with more than 4 million cases handled, with a target amount of 5.8 trillion yuan. The parties involved in foreign-related arbitration cases covered more than 100 countries and regions.
Xiong Xuanguo, Vice Minister of Justice, was cited as saying at the 2022 China Arbitration Summit Forum and the second Global Arbitrator Conference held in September 2021 that the Ministry of Justice will promote the pilot work of the construction of international commercial arbitration centers as a strategic task to strengthen foreign-related legal services in the new era.


China's commercial arbitration is fully internationalized, and constantly in line with the international standards
Arbitration rules have been constantly improved and gradually come in line with international standards
On July 30,2021, the Ministry of Justice promulgated the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China (Revised) (Draft) on July 30,2021, drawing on the international legislative experience of the UN Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration and the judicial practice in the past 30 years.
On the whole, the revised draft of the Arbitration Law retains the chapter setting of the original Arbitration Law, but drawing on the Model Law and the legislative experience of other countries, it actively complies with international common practices, removes some backward provisions that are not suitable for arbitration practice, and creates rules that are adapted to China's practice. The revision of specific rules covers general provisions, arbitration agreements, arbitration procedures, enforcement of arbitration, management of arbitration institutions and connection with other laws.The key points of this revision are as follows:
First, the revised draft of the arbitration Law improves the general provisions of the arbitration system, and clarifies the legislative purpose of the arbitration law of "promoting international economic exchanges" and the legal principle of "supporting arbitration".
Second, the revision makes it clear that the validity of the arbitration agreement is the core of the parties and fully respect the autonomy of will of the parties.
Third, It explicitly supports the principle of self-arbitration jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal. The principle of self-arbitration jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal is one of the most fundamental principles supporting the arbitration, and it is also the common consensus of the international arbitration legislation practice.The revised draft of the Arbitration Law accepted the common international practice represented by the Model Law, introduced the principle of self-arbitration jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal, and clearly delegated the power to the arbitral tribunal. If the objection directly raises to the court without the decision of the arbitration tribunal, the court will not accept the objection.In addition, the draft amendment of the Arbitration Law also includes a series of additional provisions guaranteeing the principle of self-arbitration jurisdiction of the arbitral tribunal.
Fourth, the arbitration tribunal is given the power to take temporary measures.
Fifth, improve the level of opening up to the outside world, make it clear that foreign arbitration institutions can set up business offices in China, and allow the parties to foreign cases to choose a special arbitral tribunal for arbitration. Sixth, "violating social and public interests" is taken as the sole reason for refusing to implement the adjudication of domestic and foreign cases, the relief path for outsiders is clarified, and provisions on the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards are added.
Following the signing of the Supplementary Arrangement of the Supreme People's Court on the Mutual Implementation of the Mainland and HKSAR Arbitration Awards, the Supreme People's Court and the Government of the Macao Special Administrative Region held consultations on the text of the Arrangement on the Protection of the Mainland and the Macao Special Administrative Region.
Simultaneously, Chinese arbitration institutions are also actively integrating with international commercial arbitration rules. For example, in 2021, clarify issues such as online court hearings and electronic service, increase the generation of chief arbitrators, and reduce the maximum amount of institutional fees. The China Maritime Arbitration Commission and the Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce also revised the arbitration rules accordingly, and the Rapid Arbitration Rules of the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law came into effect.
Market access has been continuously opened up, and international arbitration institutions are encouraged to enter into China and Chinese arbitration institutions to step towards the world.
In addition to the revised draft arbitration law, our country from the central to local have issued normative documents, in the international arbitration institutions market access and arbitration practice, promote the development of the internationalization of commercial arbitration, allowing overseas arbitration institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Hainan, each region, large bay area and other major free trade pilot area set up business institutions and formulated a series of relevant overseas arbitration institutions in the local judicial administrative department of the registration procedure rules.For example, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Justice issued the Measures for the Registration and Administration of The Establishment of Business Institutions in China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone, improving the provisions of overseas arbitration institutions to establish business institutions in Beijing. The China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission issued the Beijing Joint Declaration of the Belt and Road Arbitration Institutions. Central Asia non-legal consultative organizations have set up an arbitration center in Hong Kong, China.
More and more arbitration institutions are actively integrating with the practice of international commercial arbitration.
The CSRC and the Ministry of Justice issued the Opinions on the Pilot Implementation of Arbitration in the Securities and Futures Industry in accordance with the Law, actively supporting and guiding the parties to securities and futures disputes to actively choose arbitration as the way of dispute resolution. For example, the Beijing Arbitration Commission / Beijing International Arbitration Center (hereinafter referred to as Beijing Zhong) revised the arbitration rules in 2021 to clarify issues such as the effectiveness of electronic service and issued operating guidelines on hourly billing for arbitrators.
In the judicial review of arbitration cases, the courts at all levels continue to uphold the principle of judicial humility and support for arbitration, to escort the development of the arbitration cause. The award of the arbitration body gives full deference in the review of the case and does not readily interfere with arbitration unless procedural issues or public policy are involved.
江苏省律师协会涉外委 主任
北京中银(南京)律师事务所 主任


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